
YogiKids aims to help the wellbeing of children aged 3-11 years old. Children will stretch, breathe, play, connect and explore their creativity through storytelling whilst practising animal and nature-related postures. Children will also learn to use their breath, relax, and become more mindful and focused through a variety of fun activities. YogiKids is offered to primary schools and community groups.

Lorraine is a schoolteacher, registered with the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) and is a qualified and fully insured Yoga Teacher.

Why YogiKids in school?

  • It brings improved focus and concentration.

  • Children practising yoga in groups improves group dynamics, increases social intelligence, and builds mutual trust. It’s a bonding experience for the whole class.

  • Children who are happy, are children who will learn. The biggest benefit of introducing YogiKids within school is that children will enjoy it. Let yoga be the reason children are excited about coming to school!

Their openness and lack of inhibitions mean children are the perfect candidates for learning yoga. When we learn the benefits young enough, they can take this learning anywhere. Whether children want to become athletes, scientists, doctors or dancers, the ability to connect to their bodies and calm their minds will be of great value.

“Give the ones you love wings to Fly.”

— Dalai Lama

Benefits for Children

  • Increases flexibility, balance and strength - children are naturally flexible, but somewhere around age 6 or 7, their flexibility begins to diminish. Practicing yoga maintains this flexibility. Like flexibility, balance is another skill that decreases as we age, but naturally improves when we practice yoga. Strength is also built as muscles are worked in new ways.

  • Enhances concentration and focus – young minds these days are often over stimulated with technology, and children can find it difficult to sit, focus and complete a task. Yoga helps kids be present and practice concentration, which enhances focus and awareness.

  • Boosts confidence – once a pose is mastered or flexibility or balance improves, children stand straighter, are more poised and more confident in their abilities, not just in the next class but throughout their daily activities.

  • Promotes health and stress management – yoga is a physical activity that releases happy endorphins. The poses improve digestion and the breathing exercises can help calm and centre children.

  • Sparks creativity and expression – classes are fun and engaging.  It helps children be free, creative and express themselves. Children are encouraged to use their imaginations, try new things and not take themselves too seriously.